Cors Caron NNR - Welcome Shelter
As a conservation contractor for the National Nature Reserve I was approached by the wardens of the site and asked if I could design a shelter on the edge of their car park of the reserve. There was already a patch of ground already concreted so was asked if I could incorporate the shelter into this area, not the easiest given the shape of the pad. I was also asked if I could build in glass panels that had been painted by the local school that showed life on the raised bog.
So I came up with a couple of designs, this being the one they chose and began work. The frame was made out of green oak, lovely smell to work with but a complicated design with the size of the timbers and the tight angles needed to be cut. So I got help from an incredible craftsman, Peter Drake, brilliant at countryside crafts and an excellent carpenter. The sides of the structure and window frames where all recycled from old oak bridges that had now become obsolete on the reserve. We also installed a welsh slate roof so it kept in keeping with other structures on the reserve.