Geodesic Dome Frequencies
It’s all about frequency.
So they say.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re imagining most likely that I am sitting here in a tie-dye T-Shirt, shrouded in the curling tendrils of incense smoke, clutching an amethyst and I’m about to launch into a monologue about 5D reality. Sadly not. This blog is about engineering, but let’s throw some spiritual stuff in there too, because it’s all relevant. The frequency I’m referring to initially, relates more to a mathematical equation than a spiritual one. Whatever your perspective is on “frequency”, I can tell you this. Where Geodesic Domes are concerned, frequency IS everything.
An example of natures’ frequency - the fibbonaci sequence - segments creating the whole.
To design a Geodesic Dome, one must take into account the complexity of the structure and the nature of the curve. A more complex dome, with a smoother curve will require a higher frequency (number) of segments than a more rudimentary dome which is a faceted and more angular structure.
Think of resolution and pixels in print. The higher resolution, the smoother the image.
An icosahedron is one of nature’s five platonic solids and is composed of 20-triangulated faces. We start with this. To scale up the detail and smooth out the overall shape of the structure, one can increase the number of triangles (increase the frequency) and create a more precise dome.
Geodesic spheres or Buckminster Fuller’s ‘Bucky Ball’ consist of triangles arranged in a number of connected pentagon and hexagon shapes that when combined make a sphere or dome. In essence; the simple triangle can first create the Icosahedron. Subdivided and repeated, the triangles sit in a pentagon or hexagon and create a sphere.
The beautiful structural detailing of a geodome with high frequency detailing.
When describing the engineering of dome architecture, the repetition of the triangle creates subtle frequency waves that generate certain energetic qualities (Cue, your earlier mental image, we’re getting spiritual now…) which many refer to as Vastu, (the ancient science of sacred architecture) within a dome’s structure.
Structures which generate an energetic field.
Those who appreciate a dome for spiritual and energetic reasons believe that living in a Vastu Dome will generate a field of energy which will support the evolution of the soul. (Sanskrit: वास्तु शास्त्र, vāstu śāstra – literally "science of architecture") Vastu Shastra are the textual part of Vastu Vidya - the knowledge about architecture and design theories from ancient India.
We’ll write another blog about this in detail, but, for now, let’s get back to the engineering.
Our smaller Garden Geodomes (up to 5.5m diameter) are generally 3v (3 frequency)
As we increase the size of our Geodomes, we increase the number of triangles (panels). We do this to ensure that the surface area of each triangle is less than 1m2 so it reduces the flex in the polycarbonate and provides greater strength.
The 8m diameter on the left is 5v (v = frequency) and the 6m diameter is a 4v.
Broken down into Dome size, our smaller domes (3v) have 105 triangles. 4v equals 160 triangles and 5v equals 225 triangles. Depending on the door design and disturbance to the “dome” such as corridor links, this number may reduce.
So, building a Geodome in your garden is not only a wise investment for practical reasons, but it’s a feat of engineering and you get a whole lot of Vastu Shastra thrown in there too!
Our workshop is in Snowdonia, on the west coast of wales and we are always happy to welcome visitors to see our domes under construction and talk further about frequency. Though, from where our HR manager is concerned, the frequency of receiving her dog biscuits is the only thing she’s most interested in!
Russell Layton - 28th May, 2023